Assembling and installation of a wooden staircase with your own hands will cost much less money than buying a finished structure. The installation of a leaf in a city apartment or a country house must be carried out in compliance with all safety requirements.

Principles and methods of installation

Installation of stairs in the room always depends on the type of construction.

It is common to highlight the following types:

  1. Mounting of the stringers begins with the installation of support beams, the top of which is attached with treads and risers.
  2. Installation of the strings starts with fixing two parallel beams – stringers. The functionality of the finished staircase depends on the reliability of fixtures and accuracy of calculations, so beginners are encouraged to take advantage of the tips and videos.
  3. Bolt flooring allows you to mount a stage directly to the railing with the rails. It is not easy to assemble such a structure with your own hands, because there is a risk of damage to individual parts.

The price of the work of specialists is usually not included in the cost of buying a finished staircase or creating an individual design project. Reaching out to professionals and watching educational videos can often save you a lot of time and effort.

Preparatory work and start of installation

Assembling of the stairs with your own hands and their subsequent installation becomes a popular and economical option. Such an organization of interstory space, costs much cheaper, as a rule. The price of ready-made designs is quite impressive, not to mention the cost of the accompanying works (assembly, adjustment, surface treatment).

All the details of the installation process can be found by reviewing the phased video tutorials.

Before proceeding with the installation, you should prepare all the parts and necessary tools. This means that a drawing should be prepared, the position of the staircase (near the wall or in any place) and the type of construction should be selected.

The first stage is the installation of the bearing part of the future leaf. The easiest option for installation with your own hands is the stairs on metal frame. You can fail to choose the right sizes while fastening of treads to the stringers, but this situation won’t bother you if you have a ready-made basis.

The size mismatch can be corrected even without the frame. You have to start the installation from the top of the ladder. In this case, you will only need to increase the invitation step. Do not be afraid that the element will break out of the overall ensemble – the difference between the first and subsequent parts is considered to be normal.

The installation sequence of elements

When installing a wooden structure with your own hands, it is important not to make a mistake with the sequence of actions. It is recommended to think over them in advance, given the location of the stairs in the house. The main thing is not to deprive you of access to the elements of the structure.

After viewing the video tutorials, you can display the optimal sequence of actions. In general, installation of wooden stairs with your hands consists of these steps:

  1. Installation of support elements.
  2. Serial installation of wooden steps.
  3. Application of measurements for fixing decorative parts (balusters and columns).
  4. Cutting of balusters, screwing the slats under the railing.
  5. Handrail installation, parts selection.
  6. Fixing elements with glue.

The ease of installation of wooden stairs depends on the type of construction and its position in the house. Modular, screw and combination options are considered to be the most complex. This affects the price of professional installation and the amount of work in the case of assembly with your hands.

Design and decor of stairs

Specialists strongly advise you to start decorating a wooden staircase strictly at the end of installation of all the parts.

After the assembly of the structure, the entire array must be painted with a special paint. A varnish for furniture will be also suitable. Paints and varnishes should be chosen taking into account the color scheme of the interior of the installation area; colorized and tinted fabrics also need a protective/decorative coating. Grinding of balusters and handrails is done after painting and applying of varnish; before polishing the required elements should be cleaned of dust, dirt and paint particles stuck.

The space under the stairs can be used as a small storeroom, but the area should be a little bit ennobled with DSP or sheets of plywood.

The storeroom under the wooden staircase is an ideal place for pickles and cooks in the apartment and country house, you need to follow only the microclimate of the room.

If you are a beginner, it won’t be easy to make calculations and install a ladder with you own hands. Some advice of experienced professionals and masters of their craft will help anyone who wants to equip the house on their own.