A lot of unique technical solutions has been developed in the process of development of building technology. Compact “goose step” ladder is one of them. On the first picture, you can see the form of the steps. Despite the visible complexity, you can make this structure with your own hands. The structure was called “goose step” due to the unusual configuration of the base platform. Universal ladder dictates a certain manner of walking.

The person climbing this ladder reminds of the water bird. To make a straight, in particular the curvilinear inter-floor passage “goose step” on your own, you need to draw up a complex and carefully consider the construction.

Types of the ladder frameworks

Marching steps can be made of the following materials:
• Valuable timber and hardwoods;
• Black metal, stainless steel, bronze or aluminum alloys;
• Wood composites;
• You can also use thick glass.

To build the ladder, you can combine the materials mentioned above. The drawing of the load-carrying structure of the straight inter-level passage can be made manually or with the use of special computer programs. The flights like “goose” or “duck step” are very steep.

The steps have distinct openings, which allow you to be comfortable rely on the full step when you come up and down the stairs. The drawing indicated in the article, designed and built with your own hands. The other name of this inter-level passage is “goose step.” It is the best solution for the marching steps with complicated curvilinear configuration.

Features of designing of the inter-story marching steps

Making such construction on your own requires the good skills of implementing different kinds of tasks. The simplest “goose-like” step represents the straight marching step with two support beams, located on both sides. They’re attached to the “goose-like” steps. Their unusual configuration allows you to halve the vertical projection of construction.

The small-scale marching steps models of more complicated form are based on the modular metal framework. To design the passage imitating the goose step, you’ll require an excellent spatial imagination.

Such DIY ladder can be completely spiral and change the direction of step to any angle.

How to make a flight “goose step” on your own?

In the process of preparation, the master has to choose the most suitable material for making the details of construction. The original structure is made mostly of wood. The master will need the instruments for processing the wood and the building material itself. When making the details for the node for the “goose step” ladder, you should pay great attention to the precision of their forms. Wooden elements require careful grinding, as well as protective and decorative coatings. The flight on the right photo was processed with the penetrating priming and painted with colorless lacquer. The steps in the inter-level passage are attached to the special frame platform of the modular ladder.

The modular structure of “goose step” ladders are characterized by the absence of special stair rails from the inside. The vertical support tube usually performs its function in the inter-story “goose step” passages (both industrial and hand-made). Such ladders fit perfectly into the design of classic or avant-garde premises.

On the following video, you can get a good look at such staircase construction. You can also study the drawing in the article. Try to create such an exciting model and share your results with us.